From the Pastor's Pen - “YES LORD, I BELIEVE!”
These brave words are the theme of our Parish Retreat next Friday and Saturday. This retreat is a unique thing. I haven’t usually seen a parish create its own retreat, from scratch. This is a completely new retreat. It’s based on the three great, classic conversions stories in John’s Gospel: The Woman at the Well, The Man Born Blind, and The raising of Lazarus and Martha’s Faith. Each of them had severe handicaps in their lives, and felt passed over. Jesus took initiative in each case to bring healing and hope. We’ll see each of them make a remarkable statement of faith, like we can.
This can be yours. It’s the last week to sign up. You can stay the night at Pallottine Friday, or commute from your home. We’ll come back to the Saturday evening at 5 p.m. Mass. Jump in!