From the Pastor's Pen - November 17, 2019
“You’ve got it backwards.” We may say that to each other about a lot of things—a
screwdriver, a piece of clothing. Last Sunday Jesus taught us, perhaps with a little
amusement, that we’re backwards when we try to imagine heaven in earthly ways.
Some people are afraid of heaven (really) because they assume somehow they won’t know anyone, as we’re so limited on earth to how many people we know. Jesus taught that heaven is rather a time we value God and all people. The relationships we know on earth won’t disappear, nor will they be the limit of our life there. We’ll be “Alive for God! Alive for all!” Use the universal love of heaven as a template and guide of how to live on earth.
This week I go on retreat, back to the monastery in New Mexico that I went to last year. As I leave, I’m very proud of where we are, where we’ve come to in these strenuous months since summer. Our Strategic Planning is progressing, though the weather threw us a delay last Monday. The Council will continue shaping all our comments into parish goals, so you can be part of making specific plans to achieve them. Our Evangelization Committee continues to look for ways to bring Jesus, his name and salvation, into the ways of our parish and neighborhood, and this group is recognized as a shining example in the Archdiocese. We have over a hundred people in weekly faith sharing groups, which is no doubt bringing new strength and energetic faith to our parish. So many people have helped make all this happen—it’s a good experience to me of a parish community clicking and moving forward.
As always, I invite you to join me during my retreat time. Take a few moments with your favorite scripture; ask one of our staff how to access the inspiring Word On Fire videos we’ve subscribed to (you don’t have to be in a group to view these!) I’ll be continuing the use of St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises, wonderful meditations on the life of Christ. You can find a lot about these by searching online, and I can recommend a good book if you want. Pray for me!