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From the Pastor's Pen - June 9, 2019

“I have never shrank from announcing to you God’s design in its entirety.” (Acts 20)

“I entrusted to them the message you entrusted to me, and they received it. They know in truth that I came from you, and believe it was you who sent me.” (John 17)

These words, from the Tuesday morning Mass this week, express the relief of Jesus and Paul at having said all they could say, and that it’s been received. It’s the perfect expression of Pentecost today.

I am immensely proud that today—three years after Fr. Steve and I announced a direction for the parish of Evangelization—we now have a standing committee on Evangelization. And that it has already made some concrete effects, in signage and invitation to our neighbors.

We’re just getting started! Other parishes in North County are too, and we’re part of the diocese’s efforts. In fact the yearlong monthly training for Evangelization, groups will meet at our site this year.

We have a couple of feasts on Sundays yet—culminating in two weeks in the annual Corpus Christi Procession, this year in the evening, 7p.m. from Sacred Heart Church. But tomorrow (Monday) we start the “Ordinary Time” of the church, which we know is never ordinary. There is much faith to learn about and live in the ongoing words and actions of Jesus!

The next two weeks will also see the gathering of donations for the Special Capital Campaign, about which you should have received a letter on by now. It’s to be expected that major buildings will need upkeep every 50 years or so, and that’s where we’re at; though, thankfully, it’s nothing truly major. I’m grateful for your help for this group of projects.

-Fr. Tom


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