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From the Pastor's Pen - July 26, 2020

I don’t know what to write as I prepare this column. Typically I look back over the past week and see what’s happened, in planning, finances, faith formation, or social events, and look ahead to what will happen soon, to inform you or encourage you to be involved and to give thanks. Sometimes it’s explaining the meaning of a season or feast in the liturgy.

We haven’t had typical events or activities; though we’re trying to start up again, rising virus rates are threatening that. Any future events will be for you and Fr. Nickolai to do. With this column, my time here ends, actually Tuesday.

We celebrated as a staff last Tuesday. You may know from your own place of business, that a staff works closely together. They’ve helped me bring about my dreams and projects, and yours, and brought a few of their own. They’ve been consistently supportive of me. No manager, pastor, or administrator can be effective without such a team. Wilma, Sandra, Mariellyn, and Peggy have served well in their areas, and assisted me. Steve has renewed many systems here and has done many projects. Sr. Emily has been amazing in her work, and facilitated my service to people here. Gina has become a “force of nature” in our parish life, as she is to everyone she touches. She’s been of immense support and assistance to me these 3 ½ years. Deacon Denny and Deacon Bill serve freely and generously and have always offered to give any assistance, and done so.

Fr. Nickolai has been a companion in work and living for two years. It’s a unique relationship we priests share. I’ve enjoyed his company at meals, and sharing experiences and insights. He is an extremely generous servant to the needs of the parishioners. You will be fortunate to have his leadership here.

This leaves reflecting on you, the people of St. Rose parish. For nine years, you’ve accepted my leadership at liturgy and administering the parish, my sometimes “off the wall” style of preaching; and calling us into new activities and efforts, many sent by the Archdiocese, some of my own making. We’ve had a number of successes, and times of strong progress. I’ve better about this with each passing year. The important thing is that St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Parish is in a strong position. That will continue if you give Fr. Nickolai the support and cooperation you’ve given me.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.


Fr. Tom


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