From the Pastor's Pen - He is Risen!
WELCOME to all Easter worshippers at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne: to our faithful parishioners, family and friends, and visitors joining us for this special feast. The date of Easter is tied each year to the earth’s Springtime rebirth: near the Spring Equinox, when the moon and sun work together to bring out life dormant through winter. It’s worked again! We can see trees budding, grass greening, perennial flowers coming out into bloom. With this glorious backdrop, we again announce the joyful news: Jesus Christ is Risen from the
At our parish, signs of Easter hope and joy abound. Little babies give us joy and new life. Our youth in a vibrant school, and nearby schools and homes; and high school youth show enthusiasm for their faith.
Senior parishioners lead the way with faith and strength. Parish leaders of all ages are moving us into new ministry areas, within the parish community and beyond it. We continue to partner with a city parish for reflection and fellowship around justice and community. Our website invites people to look at the parish in new, fresh ways. We’re being renewed from inside by attending retreats, and in the always-strong prayer life of the parish, including a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. New members come each month.
Of course, there are times with any of us that we don’t feel this joy and hope. Neither did the first apostles, even when they’d seen the Lord. It reminds us that we have to take the joy inside. It’s our joy, and like them, we have to make an act of faith. Then the signs of the Resurrection will become clearer.
We’ll celebrate this special peace and joy for 50 days! Fr. Nickolai and I appreciate your support and cooperation, and wish you this Easter peace throughout this season.