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From the Pastor's Pen - August 18

Last Saturday was the first session of the Archdiocesan Evangelization Training— called Missionary Discipleship, “Go and make disciples—“ that was held here in our hall. I didn’t realize till then that this is the only location for this training this year, anywhere in the Archdiocese. I was proud to host it, and our parishioners from our parish committee made up more than any other parish groups. The training was excellent; all this training means is to heighten our own awareness of a real, tangible relationship with Jesus, so we can be comfortable to talk and share about it with others in a variety of ways. To take advantage of this training, it would be best to be part of our committee, which meets Tuesday at 7:30.

This training fit quite well into my homily last Sunday. Jesus advised us that we’re like servants awaiting the return of the master. They’d better be ready when he returns! to serve and refresh him. So Jesus is coming to us at each moment. Are we ready? Are we aware? Do we welcome him? In traffic, at work, dining with the family, at rest---He is more than available, He is eagerly trying to make contact with you.

Our school has started with great joy. At a food truck celebration on Friday, it seemed like every kid and parent was there, happy to be in community. Dr. Gilligan was there warmly introducing himself to each student and each parent. He also welcomed faculty and staff to his home in South County Saturday night, for a relaxed time with him and his wife. I was in all the classrooms this week, and the kids look so happy and excited. They’re so welcoming of me into their room and their school life, as I know they were to Fr. Nickolai. So there’s a great spirit to our start. Look in the bulletin to see the signs of the very strong faith environment Dr. Gilligan brings to the school and parish.

-Fr. Tom


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