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From the Pastor's Pen - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Now that Jesus is fully grown in the Gospels, baptized (affirmed by his Father as

beloved), and starting his work of teaching, healing and reconciling—especially

announcing the Kingdom of God—it’s a good time to thank so many ministers for our

liturgical celebrations of the Christmas Season. Bumped-up deadlines for the bulletins

prevented us from addressing things as they happened. So:

The usual groups of people did outstanding jobs. We walk into a beautifully decorated

church because a few core people, along with other volunteers, spent hours to arrange the atmosphere, not to mention the planning that went into it ahead of time. (The same goes for the time needed to carefully take it all down last Sunday.) Our liturgical ministers, and those who schedule them, do extra willing service—lectors, communion ministers, ushers; our servers are a special joy to have around the altar, as they bring such joy to the services. Those who do the altar linens and communion purificators are busier serving.

This all leads up to our music ministers. With seven extra liturgies to cover, they do a very creative job, sometimes in new combinations. Some of them were at two or more of the liturgies Christmas alone, like the priests and deacons. And again this is not counting the extra time so many of them put in to plan and practice things that are only used this time of year. Along with the ones mentioned above, our music people have a great deal to do with the quality and joy we had again through the Christmas Season.

A special word of thanks is proper to our deacons, who as always—but so much more during Christmas— served us strictly out of their vocation of service to the Lord in his church.

The Office staff, too, sees a great increase in their work contained in the same hours during this season. Thanks to Gina, Mariellyn, Sr. Emily, Peggy, Sandra, and Wilma for your cheerful good service, and Cara for our special relationship Cards among other things.

I always thank you and Fr. Nickolai for the chance to be away for a week after all this. I saw 8 families in two states, and I slept a lot too. Let’s not put away an increased faith from this season with all the other decorations.


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