From the Pastor's Pen
Again, I want to highlight for you to be present at the Parish Vision Report this Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Mr. Vince Estrada has constructed a provisional Portrait of the Parish from the Strategic Planning Visioning Day in April, and the surveys done in church in June. This portrait will begin to set the path for what we have to do to improve and strengthen our parish life. Every group, and every individual, who wants to have input on these directions of the parish needs to be at this report. After this, the Parish Council will review the Portrait with an eye toward forming concrete goals, and then holding an evening for all to construct Action Plans. A full Strategic Plan will then be unfolded in late fall or early in the new year, that will guide our growth for the next few years.

Last Wednesday evening we held a Thank You Dinner for the workers of the Garage Sale this past June. There was an excellent and joyful spirit, as these workers demonstrate during the big sale itself. Theresa Brandt announced over 500 hours of work given by parents of the school community. Preliminary plans are already in place for next year’s sale. The profits for this year’s sale are $23,607. This is a tremendous help to all the ministries of the parish, and is our biggest fundraiser. I hope the chicken dinner and other delights partly expressed my and our gratitude to all those involved.