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From the Desk of Fr. Nickolai

It seems to be a good time to say a few thank-yous. First, even though there was an announcement about it at Mass, I’d like to offer my personal thanks to all who came to clean up the church on a couple of mornings in the first week of November. I’ve heard a number of positive remarks about it already.

Secondly, I have seen those covenant cards coming in, from our round of stewardship awareness activities last month. So often we ask people to do things and then don’t acknowledge it as strongly as we might. So I just wanted to let everyone know that I have noticed them, and it is encouraging. Thank you for your participation.

A big portion of those cards is the call for volunteers. I hope everyone will be patient on that front, since many of our organizations and groups are not as active as usual just now, quite understandably.

Another thank-you is, I suppose, more general. I realized recently that there are a number of ways people have pitched in, here and there, around the parish. So thank you, to so many of you, for your generosity with your time and your energies. The thought came to me, Tuesday night, as I was going between meetings, “How good are the People of God!”


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