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A Note from Fr. Tom - March 24, 2020

Good afternoon! Father Nickolai and I are doing fine.  We are enjoying meals together and working in the office as normal.  We are doing private Masses for the people as the Archbishop has told us to do.

WE MISS YOU!! I miss seeing you at church or greeting you and talking about the homily and your families. Church is open, and is allowed to be open under the stay at home orders: III E7. Open from 9-10am and 5-6pm Monday - Friday and 4-5pm on Saturdays including the Sacrament of Reconciliation at that time.  We have not had many visitors, so please take advantage of praying in church if you'd like it to be open. Our Fish Fries are done--not even take out any longer.  Thanks to our workers and those who supported us.  See you next Lent! God expects us to take precautions that we are directed to do.  God always expects us to take our medicine, follow the Doctor's advice and care for ourselves and others.  Catholics are not excluded from this responsibility.  So as the Archbishop knows, we are to follow the orders that come from civil authorities, for the public good (not just our good). I am having to be even more intentional and disciplined about prayer and spiritual life than I normally am.  Without the opportunity of Mass these days, use all of your spiritual resources.  Go to our website for many Spiritual Resources:


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