From the Pastor's Pen - Thank You Fr. Steve!

Thank You Thank You Thank You to Fr. Steve for 3 years of service to our parish. He has reached out to many, and guided us in new connections. We all wish him well in his new parish, and look forward to seeing him back here in times to come. This week we’ll see Fr. Nickolai at weekday Masses, and welcome him into our Sunday Masses next week.
Sunday’s beautiful Gospel about the growth of the seed while the farmer sleeps, reminds me of a comment by a fellow priest about “who does the heavy lifting” in our lives (God!). And the follow-up about how large a bush the tiny mustard grows into, so that “all the birds of the air nest in it”, reminds us that God’s graces are not for “us.” as separate from “them.” God has intended for all those he has created to share in the blessings of his kingdom.
In light of news events—beware of civic officials using Scripture as a defense. One official quoted an isolated line from St. Paul about obeying civic authority. But the same St. Paul was ordered by civic officials to stop preaching the name of Jesus, and he wouldn’t do so. Officials quoting scripture to bolster their practices have no authority over them to correct their use of it. If we priests misuse a Scripture in our own favor, we’ll get a call the next day to stop it. Another officeholder said that those with a role he didn’t like in the Russia probe would be sent to hell; but God never delegated that choice to him. So be wary of following a civic official in use of Scripture or faith.
Work is continuing on the new All Saints Academy which our school is now a part of. A number of St. Rose people are shaping its policies and practices. Please pray for the success of this.
You’ll see a new guy walking around with Bob Limmer. Steve Daughety has been hired to learn from Bob through the summer about our buildings, and take over as supervisor when Bob steps down, as he’s planning to. We’ll miss Bob, but fortunately he’ll still be around the parish and, I’m sure, pitching in.
From Fr. Steve Robeson
Hello to my dear friends at St Rose! How can it be that I have only been here 3 years and it is already time to say farewell? Sure, I tell the Archbishop every year I am open to different kinds of parish assignments, just as all priests try to remain open like that, but when he called me about going to Saint Ignatius in Concord Hill, (10 miles Southwest of Wentzville) I was still surprised. I became very sad as I thought about moving on from all of you.
My first thought was that ministries here that Father Tom and I and our wonderful staff and lay leaders have renewed, are in a delicate stage of renewal and this might not continue unless I remained involved in them. (I know--vanity!)
We have been recruiting new members onto the teens youth ministry team and helping to start a new ministry at the grade school level. I have been privileged to witness the great service of our coaches and parents in our Athletic ministry and the amazing Spirit of our young players! Our school Masses have touched my heart so deeply and so has all my involvement with our awesome Saint Rose School community! We restarted the Respect Life Committee meetings and have renewed our organizing efforts in that vital ministry. In our Justice ministry, we followed the Archbishop's lead in his beOne campaign for the Diocese, and added real dialogue to our discussions of justice topics, as he directed, with an ethnically distinct parish, St Elizabeth. I was so blessed to get to visit with the Sacraments our homebound and many members of our nearby retirement communities. We have barely begun a new dialogue with the local Lutheran Church community. There have been other important beginnings as well.
As I preached in some recent homilies to you, it was vanity in me that tempted me to think that these renewals would not increase unless I stayed. The parish whose prayerful and welcoming Spirit inspired me and drove me out to the corner of Paddock and Parker to greet passers-by on Sunday mornings, will surely take hold of what we have done together!
I know, as the saying goes, 'You got this!' You have all of it. It is fitting I am feeling this sadness and hope as I note the timing of my farewell, the Sunday of the Birth of John the Baptist, who himself said of the arrival of Jesus, "I must decrease so that He may increase." The Church's intention and wisdom for the date of this Solemnity and John's words, even accompany our moving on from the peak of Summer light and warmth, just a few days ago, June 21st, as we anticipate that even the glory of Summer is nothing compared to the ever-increasing light and warmth of the Presence and the Word of Jesus Christ, the greatest Light ever!
So my last Gospel challenge to you is, you got this, don't you St Rose?! For my part, you have my love and prayers and gratitude always! You have prayed me back to good health, and because of your love and faithfulness, and the generosity of Jesus, I am to be a Pastor again. Please pray that I become worthy of this new honor of service that you have handed onto me in Christ.
Much love and joy to you, Fr. Steve