From the Pastor's Pen - Now it's Your Turn
NOW IT’S YOUR TURN— We’ve had a great three weeks of Stewardship activities. We presented our first positive, balanced Financial Report in the parish’s history, and had a fun Ice Cream Social last week to celebrate. The next week, I gave each Sunday homily on Always and Everywhere—God’s presence, and our praise. (You can go to the parish website or app and hear it.) Last week we had our lively Festival of Ministries in the hall, along with Coffee and Donuts. We’re especially grateful to Kristin Ortiz and Joe Murphy, parish youth ministers, who gave informative and inspiring talks at each Mass witnessing to their stewardship practices and faith. And then the kids had a wonderful Scavenger Hunt, put on by our Youth Group, and raced around the grounds outside for prizes.
So now it’s just up to you! With the Intention Card you received in the mail this week. The real fun of our Stewardship Season is for you to reflect on this card a few moments, and consider your offertory pledge for this year (a non-binding intention). Whether increased, the same, or less, this helps us plan for what’s ahead—and the process gives you those few moments to reflect on your weekly gift as a good steward in gratitude for what God’s given you. The same with your intentions of service—to enter a new ministry, or continue in one, please mark it, and then we will produce a good report for all the heads of our ministries and committees. This part is for each one in the household. If you didn’t prepare your Intention Card to return it this week, I get it! Please bring it next week, or you can drop it off at the office or mail it. Getting each card back is important to us.
Finally, this week one of our deacons received a special and well-deserved recognition. Deacon Denny Barbero received the Archdiocesan St. Lawrence award, given for outstanding service in the community. Deacon Denny has led an area-wide ministry of communion to our nursing homes for many years. I’m glad the Archbishop and the Diaconate Board chose to recognize his service.