All Saints Academy at St. Rose Families:
First, please know of our prayers for all of you during this difficult time of transition.
With the consolidation to two All Saints Academy campuses, St. Ferdinand and St. Norbert, families currently fully enrolled at the St. Rose Philippine Duchesne campus will be offered the option to transfer Monday, July 10 - Friday, July 14. During this time, the St. Ferdinand and St. Norbert campuses will only be accepting transfers of these currently enrolled students. Enrollment will reopen on Monday, July 17, to new students and current students from any of the three campuses who are not yet fully registered. All campus offices will be closed July 3-7 and no registrations will be taken during that time. This information and more details have been provided to you from Mr. Dabek in a previous Fast Direct message.
If the All Saints Academy options do not work for your family, there are several other local Catholic schools that do have some openings for new students. As a Federation of Catholic Schools, our hope is that every ASA St. Rose student remains enrolled in a Catholic school.
The information below is provided to help you navigate these options as simply as possible in the coming weeks. While most school offices are closed or have limited summer hours during July, they will be checking messages and will respond as soon as possible. A map of locations is also available at
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
150 N. Elizabeth Avenue, Ferguson
314-522-3888 https://www.btcparish.org/_modules/form.php?id=33
Our Lady of Guadalupe
1115 South Florissant Road, Cool Valley
314-524-1948 http://guadalupestl.org/welcome
Sacred Heart
501 St. Louis Street, Florissant
Limited openings are available for the 2023-24 school year. If you are a registered parishioner at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, please complete this online form and our admissions representative will respond as soon as possible to discuss your family's specific situation.
St. Ann - Normandy
7532 Natural Bridge Rd - Normandy, MO 63121
314-381-0113 https://sacs-stl.org/admissions/