Outreach Ministries
Communion Visitors
Bring and distribute the Eucharist to the homebound parishioners. Identify other needs the homebound have regarding the parish. No Meetings.
Contact Dorothy Podry
Health and Wellness
Provide the holistic health related needs of parish members. Our mission is to strengthen the link between physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. No healthcare experience required. Meetings - Quarterly.
Contact Peggy Baker
Parish Visitation and Cards
Visit parishioners during transitional times of illness and bereavement and welcome new parishioners. No meetings.
Contact Mary Clare Carey
Prayer Chain
Pray at home when contacted by phone or E-mail for requested needs. No meetings.
Contact parish office - secretary@strpdparish.org
Pro Life
Pray for the sanctity of all life, and participate in activities to support anti-abortion policies and practices. Meetings - 6-7 per year.
Contact Parish Office
Rosati Center Casseroles
This group helps to feed the homeless at the Rosati Center. You can help by volunteering to make a casserole (recipe is provided), to make a desert, or to take the food to the Rosati Center. As a volunteer you would be called upon once every 4 or 5 months.
Contact Loretta Donovan
St. Patrick's Center Meals
Provide food, clothing, school supplies and hygiene products to the poor and homeless. No meetings.
Contact Mary & Bob Limmer
Social Justice Council
We are an organization devoted to providing information and activities to the larger community with the aim of changing conditions which cause injustice in our society. If anyone is interested in attending and/or joining the St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Social Justice Council, we meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in meeting room # 4 on the upper parking lot at the church site. All are welcome.
Contact Ross Caravelli at thechef3456@gmail.com or 838-6987
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Dedicated to helping those in need within the geographic boundaries of the parish. New members welcome. Meetings - 3rd Thursday of each month.
Contact Jim Simms