Parish Mission Success!
From the Desk of Fr. John Nickolai
I’m writing the second half of this extra-long column just after the close of our parish mission, and there is a feeling of great consolation. I think the mission was an absolute success. There are many to thank. First, of course, our preacher, Fr. Tom Donaldson, who very generously not only preached the three evenings but also heard confessions, and celebrated several weekend and weekday Masses, and stayed around to visit afterwards.
The idea for the mission first arose, I think, during a discussion among the members of the parish council, so all of them are due a note of thanks. Deacon Bill Johnson was one of the most enthusiastic voices, and he generously agreed to chair the ad-hoc “mission committee” that was assembled. Of course a good number of volunteers pitched in, in all sorts of capacities. And everyone who was asked about the idea of a parish mission, when it first began to take shape a few months ago, responded positively. Finally, of course, thanks to all the people of the parish who attended one or two or all three nights, in such great numbers. It truly was a special time for this parish.