Adoration Chapel Hours
1210 Paddock Drive, Florissant, MO 63033
Adjacent to Parish Office
Monday - Friday, 9AM-6PM
Extended Hours Until 10PM on Wednesday and Thursday
Come spend an hour with our Lord in Adoration. Here are some things you can do while you are in Chapel adoring:
❤️ Pray the Psalms or the Liturgy of the Hours
❤️ Recite the “Jesus Prayer”
Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner
❤️ Meditate using Scripture
❤️ Read the life of a Saint and pray with him/her
❤️ Pour out your heart to Christ and adore him
❤️ Ask for forgiveness and intercede for others
❤️ Pray the Rosary
❤️ Sit quietly and just “be” in the presence of God.
Will you prayerfully consider taking one hour a week to spend with our Lord? We also need substitutes.
Call Millie 837-7938 or Blanche 837-2652
The chapel is open M-F 9am-6pm (extended hours - on Wednesdays and Thursdays the chapel is open until 10pm).
❤️You are always welcome to come and pray anytime.