From the Pastor's Pen - Second Sunday of Advent

“Reform your lives! The reign of God is at hand!” 

With these words, John the Baptist initiates the 2nd week of Advent. From last week's grand call by Isaiah, for all nations and peoples to stream toward the Lord's mountain for instruction and lay down their arms, we're called today to individual conversion. For God's reign is at hand: the kingdom of peace, fairness, harmony, fullness for all people, and even the animal kingdom. But the only way to start moving our world toward this kingdom is for each of us to reform. 

This doesn’t mean, as I often hear, what other people need to do--”Yeah, they need this.” “It's about time some of those people start to change.” Well, these words of John the Baptist are meant for you! And for me.Use today's scriptures to examine your life according to Isaiah, Paul's call for patience and harmony in the spirit of Christ, and John again: Give some evidence that you mean to reform!

And that leads us to: Reconciliation. The Baptist’s call to conversion is well lived out by celebrating this sacrament. Our children are leading the way. Our 2nd Graders celebrated their First Reconciliation on Christ the King Sunday Nov. 24 with joy and excitement. Today they told me they felt “Good, Awesome, Cool”. And Tuesday, the entire school will be offered the opportunity, and they will make good use of it. Today, (Sunday), we have our Advent Penance Service at noon, with four confessors. Let’s show The Baptist we mean it. “With a little child to show the way . . . (Isaiah 11).

Monday evening we concluded our first season of Word On Fire Faith Sharing groups with a general session and discussion in the hall. We all, as longtime Catholics, got a better understanding of God’s love and presence as IMMANENT—close to us, in our lives; as well as TRANSCENDANT, beyond our mortal being and understanding, with infinite power. Thanks to Cara Koen and Gina for helping us all access the videos. The videos remain available for viewing anytime you wish; we’ll offer another season of teachings for groups to view in Lent, on the Mass.

Congratulations to our Social Justice Committee. With their sustained urging, Florissant has enacted a measure to restrict the practice of quick, high-interest paycheck loans. They’ve taught many that there are more just, economical means available.

-Fr. Tom
