From the Pastor's Pen - Joy

JOY is what emanates from the Empty Tomb of Easter, just as radiation comes from even

a black hole. We’ve had quite a couple of weeks of Easter, with intensely joyful events.

Last Tuesday April 30th, Monsignor Stehly came to confer Confirmation upon a number

of our young adults. I spoke with the newly confirmed yesterday, and they were

impressed with how energetic and animated he was in talking about the sending of the Holy Spirit upon them. His personal style was a big part of the young people getting the Spirit.

Then last Saturday was 1st Communion, also a personal favorite of mine. Children from our All Saints at St. Rose School, and our PSR, plus one family visitor, showed their faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the host and the precious blood. Their excitement, along with their knowledge of the meaning of the sacrament which I teased out during the homily, were a testament to their faith.

And for our adults—on Wednesday, we had the first Video Watch Party and Faith sharing based on the Word On Fire videos we’ve made available in your home. Many had watched them already, and all in the small but happy crowd watched them again anyway. Then we shared reflections on the meaning of Jesus’, Death, and his Resurrection. I was personally affected with greater faith, as were all, I think. We’re holding another of these sessions in a few weeks on Wed. May 29th. I hope you come, you’ll enjoy it.

The Parish Festival is of course next weekend, Friday night and Saturday. PLEASE sign up for an hour or more at a booth or other activities. You can sit or stand, as you need. It’s a great way to be part of a really fun parish time. You’ll see how to sign up in the bulletin.

We need more people too spending time in the Adoration Chapel. Talk about something that will reward your investment of time—you’ll receive great peace. A sign-up book is inside the chapel door.

I’m on a short post-Easter break this weekend. See you at the Festival!

-Fr. Tom

Reflect on the Easter Joy at our parish with photos and homily recordings.
