From the Pastor's Pen: Easter Reflections

Just what is Eternal Life anyway, since we talk about it through the Easter Season? I started this last week. I do this because I’ve heard a misunderstanding about it. People have told me they don’t want me to wish eternal life on them. They think it means they have to die first. Nothing could be further from the truth. Eternal Life doesn’t start when we die. We’re born with God’s life in us, His spirit breathed into the clay we’re made of. Baptism confers a special, clear life that opens up beyond this world right away. We’re given the Spirit, for our life and protection, and for our commission to spread the gospel of salvation. This is clear when Jesus talks to the Woman at the Well in John 4: “If you had asked, I would have given you a fountain within you, to provide eternal life”. This means that while we live our lives, here, doing what we need to, we have another life within us that is eternal and ever safe. Eternal Life is renewed within us at each sacrament, and we experience it in prayer and community. It’s a life that will not end when we die, but which we live now each day too. We’ve now heard the Shepherd, and the Great Vine we’re attached to, giving us this life. So let’s not be afraid to celebrate the Eternal Life we already live.

Congratulations to the Variety Club for another fun weekend of shows last weekend. As always, a big troupe of people gave lots of time to rehearse and get ready, from January on. It pulls the parish together, as a lot of people come out for good local entertainment; and the cast and crew get to know one another better, including some who join in from beyond the parish.

Pray for our school children. I’ve had fun lately with a special Easter lesson with our younger classes. Pre-School kids will even lead the Mass this week. I’ll start now to visit with our 8th Grade, soon to graduate. They’re all so special, and these older ones are about to take a big step forward. There’s a lot for us to be proud of in them, and to pray for.
