From the Pastor's Pen - April 15

SOME EASTER FOLLOW-UP THINGS—Our quilters group presented me with a great $2000 check recently. This is a big help to our parish budget. Just as importantly, I’m so glad these ladies do their talented and painstaking work, and they enjoy their mornings together. I like visiting them when I can, and viewing their work which reminds me of my grandmother’s quilts. (I still use several). A number of parishioners buy their yearly raffle tickets with a chance each month to win one of these gems. Please support them, and I thank them very much.

March 23, a week before Good Friday, was a special night. Our Youth Group put on a Living Stations of the Cross. We also hosted many of our seniors, who previously made a trip to Our Lady of the Snows, at the Fish Fry for dinner here, and to attend the Living Stations. The youth did a terrific job, guided by our Youth Group leaders. The Seniors were very impressed, and proud to see our youth presenting Jesus’ suffering and death in a very touching way. Our parish got a little bit closer through this. Other groups did Stations too— more on this next week.

Also, as we continue to work together in a wide range of activities, a couple of reminders are in order. All parish facilities are organized for use by our parish groups through the Parish Office. Our wonderful organizations make their schedules, but all spaces used by St. Rose groups in the church, hall, school, gym etc., have to be reserved through the Parish Office, to avoid conflicts.

I was also asked twice lately by parishioners to take hosts out of church for a family member or friends. Remember that all communion calls are organized by Sr. Emily, who delegates a commissioned Eucharistic Minister to take communion to those who need. It all begins with a call to Sr. Emily.

We have a number of weeks yet to celebrate Easter. Every Sunday now is as if it were Easter Sunday. Last week I talked about us being born again in Jesus’ Resurrection. How are you born again now?
