Additional Reconciliation Opportunities During Advent
Father Nickolai will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the following times in Church:
Saturdays 4-4:45PM
Nov. 26
Dec. 3
Dec. 10
Dec. 17
Sundays after 10AM Mass until Noon
Nov. 27​
Dec. 4
Dec. 11
Dec. 18
Thursdays from 5:30-6:30PM
Dec. 1​
Dec. 15
Dec. 22
Download MyParish App and select
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne for access to Advent Prayer Resources and Daily Reflections!
Flocknotes Advent Generosity Challenge​
Sign up to receive 4 weekly Advent Reflections on Generosity through our parish flocknotes:
Ecumenical Prayer Returns on Advent Wednesdays!
We are pleased to again join with our friends at Lutheran Church of the Living Christ and St. Barnabas to share in a weekly Holden Evening Prayer service this Advent.
All are welcome to join us for this simple service of song and scripture.
November 30 at 7pm in Church
at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne (1210 Paddock)
December 7 at 7pm
at Lutheran Church of the Living Christ
(2725 Concord Dr, 63033)
December 14 at 7pm in Church
at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne (1210 Paddock)
Our Advent Giving Trees will be set up in the back of Church beginning with 5PM Mass on November 26th through Sunday, December 11th. Each tree will be decorated with ornaments containing the hopeful wishes of many eager children, with their specific requests listed on red and green ornaments. In addition, pink, purple and blue ornaments feature the needs of three wonderful service organizations: TEAM (The Emergency Assistance Ministry) requests paper products and cleaning supplies, Our Lady’s Inn needs items for pregnant women and their children ages 1-13, and St. Vincent DePaul Society could use monetary gifts to help our neighbors with utility bills, etc.
If you want to grant a wish but prefer to let others do the shopping for you this year, monetary donations are welcome by sending a check to the parish office (write "Advent Giving Tree" in memo) or donating online at https://www.osvhub.com/strpdparish/funds/advent-giving-tree
These funds will be used to purchase gift cards from our parish TWB program for families, and volunteers will shop for any gifts on ornaments left on the trees after Dec. 11th.
ALL gifts and donations will be collected after all Masses on December 17-18 in the Parish Meeting Rooms. Gifts for children may be returned wrapped or unwrapped. Please remember to attach the ornament (or code from the online signup link) to your gift or donation so that we know to whom it belongs. PLEASE DO NOT TAPE ORNAMENT COMPLETELY TO THE PACKAGE. We need to be able to read both sides of the ornament to send your gift to the correct family. ALL gifts must be returned by noon on December 19th as they will be distributed to families that same afternoon.
All of us in the St. Rose St. Vincent De Paul Society thank you in advance for your generosity and good will. May you all have a blessed Christmas.

SRPD Society of
DEC. 11 and
DEC. 18

Advent Adventures on Flocknote
Would you like to receive a daily flocknote with suggestions and activities for ways to celebrate the season of Advent with your family? Use this simple form to sign up for a daily email through Advent.
You may find some useful ideas to share with your children or grandchildren!